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Showing posts from September 12, 2024

Tim Riggings...Forever (Tv)

          It’s been over 10 years since the last episode of Friday Night Lights aired. It’s funny now to think that the show has bounced from streaming service to streaming service, still remaining in some vague sense of popularity. One of the unquestionable strengths of the show that follows high school football coach Eric Taylor is that despite his name often running first in the credits he is seemingly not the main character. In fact the coach like all great coaches acts as more of a catalyst for those around him to shine. In this sense there are many great characters and with them many great actors that entered the show however no story is more interesting than that of Tim Riggins, played by Taylor Kitsch. If you haven’t seen Friday Night Lights you may still recognize Kitsch. For the longest time he was tabbed as the next big star in Hollywood but a few box office failures later, Kitsch is still most well known for his often silent role as the troubled star football player. It