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Showing posts from October 12, 2023

The Start of What Hopes to be a Beautiful Sounding Game Winning Friendship (Quad Culture Staff)

     Howdy, it’s odd to introduce something that has been on my Brain for over a year but nonetheless today that is what I hope to do. Quad Culture is a dream and me and my writers can’t wait for you to see it become a reality. However I’ll leave the emotionally complex stuff to the talented staff I am actively assembling as you read. I’ll keep it short and sweet. If you love sports this is the place for you. If you love movies this is the place for you. If you love tv this is the place for you. If you love music this is the place for you. If for some awkward and outlandishly odd reason none of those things are for you I’d still love it if you gave us a read. I mean why not you are already here. I above all encourage engaging with the content debate with the content but be respectful as that’s the way we can all enjoy it. Excited for you to be a part of this little dream of mine and hope you stick around and bring some friends or enemies with you to the party. Happy reading! Kaleb Unge