The era of Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight trilogy spanned for three movies, and seven years. They are centered around billionaire Bruce Wayne, portrayed by Christian Bale and follows him from his origins to the ending of his time as the Caped Crusader. Though following the formula of Batman’s typical origin story: a) dead parents, b) turning to a life of crime to gain vengeance, and the obvious: c) becoming the Batman, Christopher Nolan adds a grittier element yet to be seen on screen in the form of the League of Shadows. This trilogy is based around Bruce Wayne’s time as Batman as he walks the thin line between being Gotham’s hero, and being an ill-famed vigilante. As aforementioned, Christopher Nolan is highly regarded as being one of the strongest directors to be currently producing films. Between period pieces to science fiction, you can assume it will be tackled with the typical Nolan style. As confirmed by the countless positive reviews by fans and critics alik...
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